Common & easy to practice eye care tips by Dr Somdutt Prasad

Good eye care is not just about visiting an eye doctor. A lot of it depends on our daily habits and actions. Noted ophthalmologist and retinal specialist Dr Somdutt Prasad discusses some common and easy to practice eye care tips.


Eat healthy food

The first step that you can take to protect your vision is to eat healthy foods. Have a diet rich containing Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and lutein. These nutrients will help prevent diseases such as macular degeneration and cataract. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, beans, etc.

Avoid fiddling too much with digital gadgets

Digital gadgets such as smartphones, pads, tablets, etc. emit blue-violet rays that are extremely harmful to our eyes. Continuous use of these gadgets puts excessive pressure on our eyes and resulting in strain and fatigue.  Hence, one must avoid fiddling too much with these gadgets.

Take frequent breaks while working in front of computers

Today, most of us work for long hours in front of computers. Staring at long hours can cause eyestrain, blurry vision, dryness, etc. Hence, it is vital to take frequent breaks and follow the 20-20 rule to protect vision. When you do these, you blink more often and this brings tears to the corneal surface keeping them moist.

In case you face any difficulty in your vision, you must visit an eye specialist at the earliest.

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