Eye Problems and Eye Treatment by Dr Somdutt Prasad

There are a large number of ways that eyes can become damaged and therefore be in need of treatment. There are different treatments available for the eyes and your eye doctor will make sure that you receive the correct treatment based on the condition that you suffer from. The stage of the condition will also effect treatment. For example a condition that is only in the early stages will not necessarily require surgery, whereas something that is causing partial blindness because of its stage may require surgery immediately. This article acts as a guide to the different treatments available.

Treatment for eyes can come in the form of simple lifestyle changes. Sometimes a patient can keep problems at bay with just a few simple eye exercises and an improvement to their diet. Cataracts for example are very slow to form, and a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals as well as regular eye exercises can slow down the onset of cataracts even more. Healthy lifestyle treatment however will only work if the condition is caught early. If it has developed to the point where eye sight is being seriously affected then other treatment will be needed.

Another common treatment given to patients with eye problems is eye drops. This can work well for a number of conditions. In particular the early stages of glaucoma can be successfully treated with eye drops. Because eye glaucoma occurs when the drainage canals in the eye become blocked, the eye drops can be used to unblock the channels. This can help relieve the build up of pressure in the eye and slow down the onset of glaucoma. This can be a very effective treatment although the condition needs to be in the relatively early stages for it to work.


Eye surgery is often a last resort, but it is extremely effective and can instantly remove an eye problem altogether. There are a few different types of surgery available. Advanced surface ablation can be done to reshape the surface of the cornea without making an incision and lifting a flap to get to it. Recovery periods for this type of surgery are a few weeks as opposed to a few days so it is only resorted to if absolutely necessary. Blended vision is another type of laser eye surgery that treats both eyes – one for longsightedness and the other for longsightedness. Intralasik surgery is also available which uses a laser instead to make the initial flap to life back in order to reach the cornea. There is also wavefront lasik surgery available which is a custom type of laser eye surgery. For this surgery each patient receives a customised treatment plan for their unique eye condition.

There is also lasek surgery available which is similar to lasik eye surgery but is for less serious conditions or for patients being affected by just the early stages of a condition. Your eye doctor will be able to explain each and every treatment in more detail if you feel that one of these sounds like something you would like to proceed with. If you want more information about these treatments you should visit your nearest eye hospital and speak to a doctor there. Surgery is often a last resort but works excellently to restore sight lost through illness and conditions such as cataracts.

Wet macular degeneration is a very serious condition that can lead to partial or total blindness eye treatment for this condition tends to involve specific drugs rather than surgery. Cataract removal is another common reason people undertake surgery. This too is effective and very simple. There is little recovery period required for cataract removal.

Dr Somdutt Prasad Cataract Symptoms and Surgery Procedure

To understand Cataract symptoms and its surgery procedure first we need the answer of the question “what is Cataract?”

Cataract – The lens of eyes acts like the lens of camera and focuses the light on the retina and makes the things visible to you. Sometimes after the age of around 45 years the lens begin starts cloudy due to the breaking of proteins of the lens and the vision becomes blurry, fuzzy and cloudy, this cloudy lens is referred to as cataract. The only way of removing cataract or cataract treatment is getting through an eye surgery procedure which is referred as cataract surgery.


Generally, the process of cataract formation is very slow and painless but due to some reasons the cataract formation may speed up.

Below are the situations when the cataract formation may speed up:

1. Due to diabetes
2. Eye Inflammation or any eye injury like trauma
3. Long term use of steroids
4. Smoking
5. Eye Surgery for another reason
6. Radiation Exposure
7. Too much exposure to sunlight (Ultraviolet Light)
8. Eye diseases like uveitis

Symptoms of Cataract

Cataract formation affects the vision very slowly and painlessly but with the time vision gets worse.

1. If the lens is covered with mild clouding, the vision is not affected that much, often it occurs after the age of 60 years.

2. But by the age of 75, most people have cataracts that may badly affect the eye vision. The following changes can be noticed as the effects of cataract:

– Loss of color intensity
– Fuzzy, Cloudy, or foggy vision
– Glare sensitivity
– Frequent change in glasses number
– Night time or dim light vision problem
– Double vision (Seeing more than one thing or colors)
– Feeling difference between same shapes and colors
– Seeing halos around lights

In advanced cases the pain, redness and watering due to inflammation or secondary glaucoma may be considered as symptoms of cataract.

Even in daylight the cataract patient feel decreased vision, generally cataract is formed in both the eyes and both are affected with same decreased vision, but sometime one eye may be worse than another.

Treatment of Cataract or Cataract Surgery

A detailed eye checkup is required to detect the presence of cataract and the need of cataract surgery. Cataract Surgery results in the removal of cataract from the eyes. After cataract is treated you will be able to see the things much clearly and perform well in your daily activities. Although the modern day medical technology has reduced the risks of any type of treatment, but like every surgery cataract surgery also has some exceptions like after going through the surgery you might not be able to get a 20/20 vision if you have some other eye problem, but if you are getting the cataract treatment from any reputed ophthalmologist, he/she usually determine this problem in advance and let you know about it.

If the cataract symptoms are not bothering you too much then cataract surgery may not be needed, a small change in the eyeglasses may be adequate

Dr Somdutt Prasad is an eye and retinal specialist in Kolkata. A famous ophthalmologist in India, he is adept in treatment of all eye conditions.

Common & easy to practice eye care tips by Dr Somdutt Prasad

Good eye care is not just about visiting an eye doctor. A lot of it depends on our daily habits and actions. Noted ophthalmologist and retinal specialist Dr Somdutt Prasad discusses some common and easy to practice eye care tips.


Eat healthy food

The first step that you can take to protect your vision is to eat healthy foods. Have a diet rich containing Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and lutein. These nutrients will help prevent diseases such as macular degeneration and cataract. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, beans, etc.

Avoid fiddling too much with digital gadgets

Digital gadgets such as smartphones, pads, tablets, etc. emit blue-violet rays that are extremely harmful to our eyes. Continuous use of these gadgets puts excessive pressure on our eyes and resulting in strain and fatigue.  Hence, one must avoid fiddling too much with these gadgets.

Take frequent breaks while working in front of computers

Today, most of us work for long hours in front of computers. Staring at long hours can cause eyestrain, blurry vision, dryness, etc. Hence, it is vital to take frequent breaks and follow the 20-20 rule to protect vision. When you do these, you blink more often and this brings tears to the corneal surface keeping them moist.

In case you face any difficulty in your vision, you must visit an eye specialist at the earliest.

Refractive Lens Exchange Surgery by Dr Somdutt Prasad

Refractive lens exchange surgery is recommended for patients suffering from presbyopia and high hyperopia. Noted ophthalmologist and retinal specialist Dr Somdutt Prasad presents an insight about this surgery.


In this surgery, the clear natural lens of the eye is replaced with an artificial IOL lens to correct the refractive error. It helps in achieving sharper focus thereby eliminating the need for reading glasses. If somebody is suffering from presbyopia along with severe hyperopia, then refractive lens exchange is the only option.

Procedure similar to cataract surgery

The process of refractive lens exchange surgery is identical to cataract surgery. Similar to cataract surgery, there are three types of IOLs that can replace the eye’s natural lens. They are:

  • Multifocal IOLs
  • Accommodating IOLs
  • Monofocal fixed-focus IOLs

The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and is completed within 15 to 20 minutes. If both eyes are to be operated, then there is a gap of about 7 days. As anesthetic drops are used, patients do not feel any discomfort during the surgery. There is a vision improvement after the surgery. Initial recovery from the surgery may take about a week and the final outcome can take several weeks.

Vision after the surgery

Depending on the type of IOL used, your doctor will tell you whether you will need eyeglasses or contact lenses. Since the surgery is performed essentially in a similar manner as that of cataract surgery, the complications and risks are similar to that of cataract surgery.

UV Radiation and Eyes by Dr Somdutt Prasad

The eyes are the sole organs that allow penetration of light into the human body. However, too much exposure to ultra-violet rays raises risks of several eye diseases. In this article, Dr Somdutt Prasad talks about the harmful effect of UV radiation on eyes.


Diseases due to UV exposure

Too much exposure to UV rays increases the risks of diseases such as cataracts, eye cancer and growths such as pterygium. Though cataracts and eye cancer can take years to develop, yet each time we expose our eyes to the sun without taking adequate protection the risks for these disorders increase. People of all age groups, especially children, should take adequate protection while going outdoors.

Protection against UV rays

To protect eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays, you must wear sunglasses that block 100% of these rays and absorb the high-energy visible (HEV) radiation. It is important to choose fitting wraparound-style frames as they limit stray sunlight reaching the eyes.

UV levels are high at higher altitudes and near the equator. The levels are also high particularly from 10 am to 2 pm. Hence, it is even more important take care of the eyes at that time. Children are more vulnerable to retinal damage from UV rays as the lens inside a child’s eye is clearer than adults. Thus, more UV rays penetrate the eyes of children than adults. Therefore, it is important for children to wear hats and good quality sunglasses.

Wear the right eye gear and move freely in the sun.

Food for healthy eyes

Nutrients are important to keep our eyes healthy. Many pieces of research have shown that antioxidants and other vital nutrients reduce the risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and several other eye diseases. In this article, Dr Somdutt Prasad talks about the foods required for keeping our eyes healthy.


Green leafy vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables should be an important part of our diet as they help protect against diseases such as macular degeneration. Vegetables such as spinach, kale and lettuce contain zeaxanthin and lutein. These two important nutrients help prevent cell damage and have antioxidant functions.

Fatty and oily fish

Oily fishes such as tuna, sardines and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3-fatty acids help protect against dry eye syndrome and age-related macular degeneration. Omega-3 fatty acids help modulate inflammation which can result in dry eyes.

Wheat Germ

Wheat Germ is a rich source of Vitamin E, another vital antioxidant. Vitamin E protects eyes from free-radical damages and decreases progression of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. These germs can be easily sprinkled on salads, yogurt and oatmeal.


Beans and legumes are rich sources of zinc that help release Vitamin A from the liver. Deficiency of zinc deteriorates the macula. Pumpkin seeds, poultry and oysters are also rich sources of zinc.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C help reduce risks of cataracts and macular degeneration.

It is vital to have all the essential nutrients through a healthy diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Basic Eye Safety by Dr Somdutt Prasad

An eye injury can dramatically change our lives. Hence, it is our duty to protect them from any sort of injury. Be it at work or home, we must ensure proper safety of our eyes. In this article, Dr Somdutt Prasad presents a few basic eye safety tips.


Eye safety tips at work

The most common agents for eye injury at work include:

  • Flying objects
  • Chemicals
  • Harmful radiation
  • Tools
  • Particles such as dust, sand, wood, etc.

Workers experience an injury at work because often they do not wear the right protective eye gears. It is important to conduct an eye hazard assessment and remove it at the earliest.

Protective eye gears at work

Some of the protective eye gears at work include:

  • Goggles: They provide protection against chemical splashes and dust.
  • Face shields: Face shields protect eyes from heat and chemicals.
  • Safety glasses: The lenses and frames of safety glasses are stronger than regular glasses and protect eyes from flying particles.
  • Helmets with special filters: These protect eyes from radiation.

Eye injury at home

Chemicals, household cleaners and toys are the common items through which our eyes can get injured at home. Cleaning yard, garden or garage can also injure our eyes. Debris from yard or garden can enter eyes at high-speed injuring them.

However, the injuries can be prevented by wearing protective eyewear. While spraying fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals, it is important to wear protective goggles. Tools must be used with proper care and must be kept at a distance from eyes.

Even after taking precautionary measures if an injury occurs, consult an eye doctor immediately. Your doctor will diagnose the nature of the injury and treat accordingly.

Tips for maintaining healthy eyesight

Eyes are one of the most important organs of our body. They help us perceive the world and hence, it is our duty to take proper care of them. In this article, famous ophthalmologist and retinal specialist, Dr Somdutt Prasad presents certain tips for maintaining healthy eyesight.


Eat healthy

You need to have a healthy diet to protect your eyesight. Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, lutein, vitamin C & E are some of the essential nutrients required to keep a healthy eyesight and guard against diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Your diet must include:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Oily, tuna or salmon fish
  • Eggs, beans and other sources of proteins
  • Citrus fruits

When you eat a balanced diet, you maintain a healthy weight that protects you against obesity-related eye diseases.

Stare away from computer screen

Most of us work in front of computers for long hours. Staring at the screen for too long can lead to:

  • Blurry vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Neck and back pain

It is essential to take breaks at regular intervals and stare away from screens. Wear anti-glare glasses and blink regularly. Splash cold water at regular intervals and choose a comfortable chair.

Get rid of smoking

Smoking makes one vulnerable to diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. The sooner you quit this habit, the better it is for you.


Use sunglasses

Sunglasses protect your eyes from the harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays of the sun. Exposure to UV rays makes you more vulnerable to diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Choose good quality glasses that block almost 100% of UV rays. If you wear contact lenses, choose lenses that offer protection against UV rays.

Get your eyes examined regularly

You must get your eyes examined regularly. A comprehensive eye examination helps detect diseases such glaucoma. When you feel even the slightest difficulty in vision, consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

Advantages of cataract surgery

Cataracts are symptoms of a normal aging process. If left untreated, then they can result in blindness. Surgery is the most common procedure to get rid of the condition. Renowned ophthalmologist and retinal specialist Dr Somdutt Prasad tells about the advantages of the surgery.


Simple and painless

Cataract surgeries are simple to perform and are painless. Patients are administered local anesthesia and the surgery is devoid of any major pain.

Same day discharge    

Most surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis and patients are discharged on the same day. There is no need to stay in a hospital for days.


Clarity of vision

Perhaps the biggest advantage of the surgery is clarity of vision. Patients undergoing the surgery get rid of the blurry vision and they can see objects more clearly. Cataract surgery improves vision vastly.

Little risk

The surgery has little or no risk. Patients are kept under observation for a couple of hours and then are discharged.

Quick recovery time

The recovery time is extremely quick and within a few days, patients can do their daily chores.

In case you have developed advanced stages of the disease, Dr Som Prasad recommends undergoing a surgery to get rid of the condition.